Shalom and salutations.  

Welcome to my home-grown, organic website.  

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Who I am

I am studying an MSc in Cyber Security at UEA, having recently graduated with my BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences with a 2:1 from Durham University. I enjoy solving problems. I program a little in Python and POSIX shell, mainly writing command-line applications and scripts to make my time in the long-run. Server-side, I run this website and a calendar server on OpenBSD. Otherwise, I enjoy cooking, reading, running and boxing. I am drawn towards networks; my literature review was on the use cases of network centrality analyses in quantifying animal social behaviours. My attraction to biology was because it is applied interaction. However, the interactions themselves are difficult to define precisely. And since I want to understand emergence as best as I can, I turn to computers, whose behaviours are well-defined. I think evolutionary approaches to very complex programs could be very powerful. Specifically, I believe that application of multilevel selection to AIs will be key to continual, gradualistic improvement in their performance.

Work experience

Administrative Assistant, Jonathan Kendal & Co. Chartered Accountants. Sep 2021 - Present Manual Worker, Lunar Stretch Tents. Jul 2023 - Sep 2023 Front of House Staff, Wursty Four Biers. Aug 2022 - May 2023